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Origami Newsletter, February 2020

Posted on by Chee Rabbits.
Tagged with Newsletter

TL;DR:A new component, a project board and a post-mortem.

Top three things

Here’s the big stuff we’ve done this month:

Origami Project Board

In our continued efforts towards openness we’ve created a GitHub project board that has a card for everything we’re currently working on.

When an issue is opened on any of our projects, it’s added to the incoming column automatically by a GitHub action.

We started with 348 things to do. We haven’t yet seen that number drop below three hundred, but we’ve done 534 of them and we’re working on the rest.

capture of Newman from Seinfeld with the caption "the mail never stops"

Layout post-mortem

The latest version of Chrome made some unexpected changes to how they rendered things, and it broke the layout on a few of our internal projects. We reacted fast and got it fixed, and Lee wrote a great breakdown on how it happened and what we changed.

Read it here: CSS Grid in Chrome 80

Meter component

We’ve created a new component that was in high demand, the Meter.

Similar components had been in use on internal and O&R products for a while, and now we’ve made this which helps increase consistency across all our teams and all their products.

the o-meter component in action

Isn’t it beautiful?

Special thanks

Our thanks this month goes to Olga Averjanova for diving all the way in and creating a new component (o-meter), and a polyfill!

A remarkable level of contribution for two weeks on the team! Thanks, Olga! 😊

Broader update

A digest list of other things that have happened:

  • Most of the team got one year older 🎂
  • We created a JSON schema representation of the manifest specification
  • We added origami.json to many more of our repos, so they’ll be provided in repo data
  • Jake merged a billion pull requests and there are fewer than 10 on polyfill-library and polyfill-service combined!
  • The library tests now complete in a fraction of the time they used to, thanks to a new custom runner
  • Label’s font weight has been updated to semibold, so we can remove a font from to improve performance
  • Grid’s snappy mode is deprecated!
  • Banner’s customization options were greatly improved for teams like Envoy and Accounts.
  • We added a new animal. They tell everyone about our new releases in #origami-support on Slack.
  • We decommissioned origami-webhooks
  • documentation was improved

*[TL;DR]: too long; didn’t read