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Contact & Support

Origami is a shared project, built by teams across the FT. The core Origami team and our community of collaborators are here to help if you have questions or feedback:

  • #origami-support: The best place for specific questions, bug reports, or general advise from the Origami team and our collaborators.
  • #design-system-guild: The Origami team and other design system practitioners from across the FT come together here. This is the best place for general design system conversations, or to raise questions where broad input from designers across the FT would be helpful.
  • #origami-chat: The Origami team aim to work in the open. You'll find us chatting about work in progress here. It's also a good place for casual conversations. Check in on our work, bounce around a vague idea, or share your recommendations for lunch.
  • Slack isn't your thing, or you don't have access? We may be slower to reply, but you can reach the core Origami team via our support email.

Looking to raise a feature request, or contribute a component? Checkout our contribution guide before reaching out to the team.