A set of icons for use across FT Group brands, based on a 24px grid with 2px whitespace. See the icon Figma library including guidelines for creating new icons.
Audited Icon Set
icon | css |
at | --o3-icon-at |
book | --o3-icon-book |
bookmark-filled | --o3-icon-bookmark-filled |
bookmark | --o3-icon-bookmark |
calendar | --o3-icon-calendar |
chat | --o3-icon-chat |
chevron-left | --o3-icon-chevron-left |
chevron-left-right | --o3-icon-chevron-left-right |
chevron-right | --o3-icon-chevron-right |
chevron-down | --o3-icon-chevron-down |
chevron-up | --o3-icon-chevron-up |
chevron-up-down | --o3-icon-chevron-up-down |
circle | --o3-icon-circle |
closed-captions-off | --o3-icon-closed-captions-off |
closed-captions-on | --o3-icon-closed-captions-on |
corporate | --o3-icon-corporate |
cross | --o3-icon-cross |
dashboard | --o3-icon-dashboard |
data | --o3-icon-data |
dollar | --o3-icon-dollar |
download | --o3-icon-download |
edit | --o3-icon-edit |
exit | --o3-icon-exit |
eye-closed | --o3-icon-eye-closed |
eye-open | --o3-icon-eye-open |
first | --o3-icon-first |
gift | --o3-icon-gift |
grid | --o3-icon-grid |
hamburger | --o3-icon-hamburger |
home | --o3-icon-home |
highlight | --o3-icon-highlight |
info | --o3-icon-info |
insights | --o3-icon-insights |
ipad | --o3-icon-ipad |
label | --o3-icon-label |
label-filled | --o3-icon-label-filled |
print-filled | --o3-icon-print-filled |
last | --o3-icon-last |
link | --o3-icon-link |
list | --o3-icon-list |
lock | --o3-icon-lock |
--o3-icon-mail | |
media-description | --o3-icon-media-description |
minus | --o3-icon-minus |
more | --o3-icon-more |
notification-mute | --o3-icon-notification-mute |
newspaper | --o3-icon-newspaper |
notification | --o3-icon-notification |
outside-page | --o3-icon-outside-page |
pause | --o3-icon-pause |
phone | --o3-icon-phone |
pin | --o3-icon-pin |
play | --o3-icon-play |
plus | --o3-icon-plus |
podcast | --o3-icon-podcast |
preferences | --o3-icon-preferences |
--o3-icon-print | |
quote-left | --o3-icon-quote-left |
quote-right | --o3-icon-quote-right |
quote | --o3-icon-quote |
radar | --o3-icon-radar |
redo | --o3-icon-redo |
refresh | --o3-icon-refresh |
restore | --o3-icon-restore |
scroll-to | --o3-icon-scroll-to |
search | --o3-icon-search |
series | --o3-icon-series |
settings | --o3-icon-settings |
share | --o3-icon-share |
skip-backward-30 | --o3-icon-skip-backward-30 |
skip-forward-30 | --o3-icon-skip-forward-30 |
sparkles | --o3-icon-sparkles |
stop | --o3-icon-stop |
tick | --o3-icon-tick |
trash | --o3-icon-trash |
upload | --o3-icon-upload |
user | --o3-icon-user |
users | --o3-icon-users |
video | --o3-icon-video |
volume | --o3-icon-volume |
volume-mute | --o3-icon-volume-mute |
warning-alt | --o3-icon-warning-alt |
warning | --o3-icon-warning |
written-text | --o3-icon-written-text |
--o3-icon-facebook | |
--o3-icon-linkedin | |
x | --o3-icon-x |
bluesky | --o3-icon-bluesky |